HTML5AudioVideoFallback 1.1 using Flowplayer as flash player
and playerDirectEmbedCall (instead of SWFObject)


	playerDirectEmbedCall: "return $f('###FLASH_ID###', {src: '###FLASH_PLAYER_SRC###', expressinstall: '###FLASH_EXPRESS_INSTALL_SRC###', version: ['###FLASH_VERSION###', 0], width: '###WIDTH###', height: '###HEIGHT###'}, {'clip': {'url': '###MEDIUM_SRC###', 'autoPlay': false}, 'canvas': {'backgroundColor': '#000000', 'backgroundImage': '###VIDEO_POSTER_SRC###'}});"}

Video with width, height, poster and source-tags for MP4, OGV, WEBM, FLV

Video with width, height, poster and source-tags for MP4, WEBM

Video with source-tag for OGV

Video with empty poster and src for WEBM


	flashMediumSrcType: 'audio/mpeg', 
	width: 300, 
	height: 28,		
	playerDirectEmbedCall: "return $f('###FLASH_ID###', {src: '###FLASH_PLAYER_SRC###', expressinstall: '###FLASH_EXPRESS_INSTALL_SRC###', version: ['###FLASH_VERSION###', 0], width: '###WIDTH###', height: '###HEIGHT###'}, {'clip': {'url': '###MEDIUM_SRC###', 'autoPlay': false}, 'canvas': {'backgroundColor': '#000000'}, 'plugins': {'controls': {'autoHide': 0}}});"							

Audio with source-tags for MP3, OGG

Audio with source-tag for OGG

Audio with source-tag MP3

Audio with src for MP3

Audio with src for OGG

Remove fallback

$('audio, video').HTML5AudioVideoFallback('remove');										

Accessing data
