HTML5AudioVideoFallback using NonverBlaster as flash player


	flashPlayerSrc: 'lib/nonverblaster/NonverBlaster.swf',
	initFunction: initNonverBlaster,
	flashMediumSrcType: 'video/mp4',			
	flashvars: '{"mediaURL": "###MEDIUM_SRC###", "teaserURL": "###VIDEO_POSTER_SRC###", "allowSmoothing": "true", "autoPlay": "false", "buffer": "6", "showTimecode": "true", "loop": "false", "controlColor": "0xffffff", "controlBackColor": "0x000000", "scaleIfFullScreen": "true", "showScalingButton": "true", "showTimecode": "true", "defaultVolume": "100", "crop": "false"}',
	params: '{"menu": "false", "allowFullScreen": "true", "allowScriptAccess": "always", "quality": "high", "wmode": "transparent"}',
	attributes: '{"id": "###FLASH_ID###", "bgcolor": "#000000"}'

Video with width, height, poster and source-tags for MP4, OGV, WEBM, FLV

Video with width, height, poster and source-tags for MP4, WEBM

Video with source-tag for OGV

Video with empty poster and src for WEBM


	flashPlayerSrc: 'lib/nonverblaster/NonverBlaster.swf',
	initFunction: initNonverBlaster,
	flashMediumSrcType: 'audio/mpeg',			
	width: 200, 
	height: 20,
	flashvars: '{"mediaURL": "###MEDIUM_SRC###", "teaserURL": "###VIDEO_POSTER_SRC###", "allowSmoothing": "true", "autoPlay": "false", "buffer": "6", "showTimecode": "true", "loop": "false", "controlColor": "0xffffff", "controlBackColor": "0x000000", "scaleIfFullScreen": "true", "showScalingButton": "true", "showTimecode": "true", "defaultVolume": "100", "crop": "false"}',
	params: '{"menu": "false", "allowFullScreen": "true", "allowScriptAccess": "always", "quality": "high", "wmode": "transparent"}',
	attributes: '{"id": "###FLASH_ID###", "bgcolor": "#000000"}'

Audio with source-tags for MP3, OGG

Audio with source-tag for OGG

Audio with source-tag MP3

Audio with src for MP3

Audio with src for OGG

Remove fallback

$('audio, video').HTML5AudioVideoFallback('remove');										

Accessing data
